The Writer

A writer sees and notices things differently. We tend to be more observant and notice the little things throughout life. Like for me, I notice the way the sunlight reflects through my house in the evenings. It’s a gentle reminder that I’m right where I need to be.

We’re hopeless romantics. We feel things and we love big. Not just with relationships, but with life in general. I think writers already have in their mind this drive to leave the world a better place. We write for ourselves - but then it becomes yours. You take it into your world and you soak it all in. You read our words and then you laugh or cry. You highlight or underline the worlds that speak the most to you. You use them for captions on your photos. You gift them to your friends and family. Our work makes an impact on the world in so many ways.

Don’t believe me? Think about how you felt the first time you heard your favorite song - when that one lyric really hit home for you. Or perhaps when someone gifted or wrote a poem for you that described exactly what you were going through at that very moment in time. Those words stuck with you forever, didn’t they?

We all need the works of a writer. Because their words and their stories help us feel more relatable. Help us realize how human we are. And sometimes they help us escape for just a short period of time.


A Wrap on 2024